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August 2022 Commercial Newsletter

Last year, developers completed a bumper crop of new industrial property tallying 475 million square feet across the U.S. covering a combined land area the size of Boston. This building boom resulted in the most new industrial space completed in a single year in more than two decades.

November 2020 Commercial Newsletter

With everything that’s been going on in our lives in 2020, it can be helpful to take a breath, step back, and try to get an idea of what this will all mean to us in commercial real estate in moving forward.

October 2020 Commercial Newsletter

Four years ago when we had the Presidential election of 2016, it seemed like things just couldn’t get any more divided within our nation. But four years later now, we were definitely wrong.

September 2020 Commercial Newsletter

With so much having changed now in the commercial real estate market since March, let’s take a look at how all of this has now impacted our financing market.

August 2020 Commercial Newsletter

Let’s face it, a lot has changed within recent months, and these changes were not on our radar screen when we originally designed our goals for 2020. So with this in mind, might it be appropriate right now to revisit the goals that you set for yourself this year, to determine whether or not they need revision?

July 2020 Commercial Newsletter

While we’re right in the middle of dealing with everything that’s going on right now, and people are trying to get their bearings on what now to expect, the question arises around whether or not we’ll see good real estate investment opportunities coming our way. Well the answer is, “Yes, we will see good investment opportunities”, but both the type of the opportunities and the magnitude of them will still depend on how everything will continue evolving within the coming months.

June 2020 Commercial Newsletter

While we’re right in the middle of dealing with everything that’s going on right now, and people are trying to get their bearings on what now to expect, the question arises around whether or not we’ll see good real estate investment opportunities coming our way. Well the answer is, “Yes, we will see good investment opportunities”, but both the type of the opportunities and the magnitude of them will still depend on how everything will continue evolving within the coming months.

May 2020 Commercial Newsletter

The coronavirus has completely disrupted our economy,,as well as our entire way of life. Businesses have been shut down, people have been laid off, and there are businesses that we will never see reopen again.

April 2020 Commercial Newsletter

We’re living in very challenging times, and if you’re a landlord, and you haven’t yet been asked for a rent reduction or a rent concession from one of your tenants, the chances are pretty good that this may still happen to you. So with this in mind, how should you then respond to this request?

March 2020 Commercial Newsletter

When you’re a building owner signing a lease with a new tenant, when should you consider having them sign a personal guarantee along with the lease? If you’re renting a home or an apartment unit to someone, this question will normally not come into play, because typically the renters of these types of properties are already signing under their own personal names on the lease, and they’re not signing under the name of a corporation.